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Sen. Bob Onder on Ending His Campaign for St. Charles County Exec.
Dr. Bob Onder joined Mike Ferguson in the Morning to discuss his decision to end his campaign for St. Charles County Executive. Also, his work to oppose the effort to implement Rank Choice Voting in Missouri (there’s an initiative petition effort to put that in the ballot). And, what’s next for him and for the movement to move the Missouri Legislature back to a more conservative foundation.
Congressman Billy Long disputes Rolling Stone article written over his comments about Uvalde
The Tim Jones and Chris Arps Show Congressman and candidate for Senate Billy Long ruffled some feathers when he talked about the increase in mass shootings and compared them to how society deals with abortions. In his interview with Columbia, Missouri’s 93.9 The Eagle:
Video of the Week: The Paul Curtman Show: The Bee or Not The Bee
Banning the AR-15 Is No Different Than Demanding Abortion In Rape Cases
Virginia Kruta, columnist at The Daily Wire The renewed calls to ban the AR-15 in the wake of the school shooting in Uvalde (or calls to ban “assault weapons” in general) are just as ineffective as calls to allow abortion in the case of rape — and for the same…
Michigan Signature Petition Fraud Is Widespread
Chris Arps, Co-host of The Tim Jones and Chris Arps Show The State of Michigan has received a great deal of attention lately regarding petition signature gathering for statewide candidates and ballot initiatives. Michigan is one of those states where candidates have to gather a certain number of signatures in…
Cartoon of the Week Brought to you By Todd Schowalter Productions
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