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So long, Disney: It's not me, it's you
Written by Virginia Kruta, columnist at The Daily Wire Dear Disney, It’s over. It’s not me, it’s you. I’ve been faithful. From the time I was a little girl in a very low-tech household, I waited patiently every Sunday for “The Wonderful World of Disney.” I watched great, classic stories come to…
Video of the Week Talking w/ Our Hands ep. 27 (Burgers w/ Bon Jovi)
Biden faces challenge overcoming Democrats' election year enthusiasm gap
Written by Christian Datoc, White House correspondent for the Washington Examiner President Joe Biden and Democratic leaders are doing everything they can to hold on to congressional majorities ahead of this year’s election, but several signs suggest party turnout will be significantly lower than in 2020. Despite…
Moore to the Point - Do We Want Less Wealth?
Written by Susie Moore, Deputy Managing Editor for RedState “If you want less of something, tax it.” That’s (part of) a famous quote attributed to Ronald Reagan – and you don’t have to be an Econ major to see how that makes sense. It’s a basic cost-benefit/risk-reward analysis.…
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Cartoon of the Week Brought to you By Todd Schowalter Productions
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